Category Archives for Differentiation

Back to Basics with Estate Planning

Everyone is unique and their situation is unique. I could put you in a room with 100 people and your situation would have some aspects of uniqueness to it that belongs just to you and you alone. This is what makes us human. Our estate planning and legacy preparations aren’t any different…they are unique. It […]

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Top 10 Icebreakers offer guide for blogging

Being an attorney from my perspective goes way beyond the law and documents…it’s connecting with you and everyone else I get the pleasure to meet. For many attorneys, this is kind of a pain and a “necessary evil” as I talk with others around the country. To me, it is the BEST PART of what […]

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Special Forces or the whole Army?

I was in a meeting the other day with some clients and they asked me a very interesting question, “What should I tell my friend that is looking for an attorney and trying to decide between a smaller law firm and one of the larger, multi-state firms?” Good question and one that always makes you […]

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